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So you want to write a novel



     As I travel around to book events, often I hear people say things like; “I should write a book.” “I have a great idea for a novel.” My answer to them is always “Do it.” The next thing we talk about is what it takes to make a successful book.


     Write It - Sit down and actually write. It’s not a novel until you put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and reach the end. Until then it’s just a good idea and a conversation starter.


     Edit it – One of the worst things you can do to a great story is to fail to correct mistakes in grammar, punctuation, etc. (I found this out the hard way) Make your story the best you possibly can. One of the tools I use is text to speech. When I have my story read back to me I can hear the mistakes I don’t see.


     Beta Test it – Find a half dozen people who don’t love you and send them a copy of your book. Ask them for honest feedback on what they like about your story and things that bothered them. Don’t be insulted by their criticism, learn from it. Most of the time the people that buy your books won’t love the same things as beta readers do. Fix what you can.


     Edit Again - Once it’s the best you can make it, send it out to a professional editor for a final polish.


     Publish it - You can go the traditional route of seeking out an agent and or publisher who loves your book, or you can self-publish.

Promote It - Even if you write the best book ever written, no one will read it if you they don’t know it’s there. In order to be a successful writer, you need to let everyone you know you published a book. Then you need to let several million other people know about your book.


     If you are ready to do what it takes to sell your book, you will join the ranks of successful authors.


The Liz Stone Mystery Series

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