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The First Stone


   Introducing Liz Stone. She’s the wife of a high powered lawyer, the mother of a feisty five year old Rosie, and a cop. A Las Vegas Detective working in the Crimes Against Children, division kind of cop.


Liz is on the hunt for Surfer-Dude-Sam, a serial rapist and killer who lures teen girls over the internet by pretending to be a 16 year old boy.


  Liz and her partner, John, Stewart, are working against time to find 14-year-old Amanda Stephens before it’s too late.




    After the death of her husband, and the scandal surrounding it, Liz Stone quit her job as a detective with the Clark County Sheriff’s Department. The rest of her life shatters when she gets a call from a Connecticut lawyer telling her that her mother has passed away. 
     Liz decides to go to Connecticut , with her five year old daughter Rosie, not just to settle her mother’s affairs, but also to find out the reasonshe was lied to all her life. She must meet the grandmother that was behind the decision to take her away from her mother.
    On Liz’s second day in Connecticut the body of a small child is discovered on her land. Liz is caught up in the need to investigate the crime and the fact that she’s no longer a cop. When two more little girls are abducted she is determined to find out who it taking them.


ISBN-68- 978-1495459849


    Someone is raping elderly women in the village of Dewledge Connecticut. The townsfolk are in fear. Things like this just don’t happen in Dewledge. The residents are divided. Some want to start a police department of their own. The fiscal conservatives, worried about higher taxes want to keep relying on the State Police for protection.

    Liz Stone must find a way to bring the two groups together. With the help of her handsome single lawyer and her domineering grandmother, they fight to get the town council to approve plans for a new public safety department. Finding a serial rapist and fighting city hall is a daunting task but impossible is nothing for Liz

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The Liz Stone Mystery Series


ISBN- 978-1496048264



   Seventeen year old Merissa Peterson, called 911 to report that her family has been slaughtered in a home invasion. Only six year old Sydney Peterson survived the attack. Can Marissa help Liz Stone, the Chief of Police of the newly formed Dewledge Police Department, find out what happened to her family?

   Liz and her partner Sophie think they have the perfect suspect. The only problem is that it's impossible to prove. Witnesses comfirm that he was in another country sat the time ofb the crime. How can a man be in two places at the same time?
   The people of Dewledge shake their heads in alarm, and say, “Things like that don’t happen here.”

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