Kathy Reynolds
About Me
Most of my adult life I've been a stay at home mom. The production and maintenance of young human beings is an important job. After parenting my first three daughters, God had a surprise for me. I found myself choosing to parent my first granddaughter. The photo on the left is my last child graduating from high school. After 43 years of parenting I'm done. Dani will be starting college at the end of August and I will be free to pursue other interests.
One of those interest is writing. It is something I've always wanted to do. Over the years, people have told me I can't. "You don't have the time. You don't have the right education. You have dyslexia. What makes you think you can write." they said.
I've decided to ignore the nay-sayers. I can and I will write. I hope someone will enjoy my stories.